Module Arch

val macosx : bool
val command_line_options : (string * Arg.spec * string) list
type addressing_mode =
  1. | Iindexed of int
  2. | Ibased of string * int
type cmm_label = int
type specific_operation =
  1. | Ifar_poll of {
    1. return_label : cmm_label option;
  2. | Ifar_alloc of {
    1. bytes : int;
    2. dbginfo : Debuginfo.alloc_dbginfo;
  3. | Ifar_intop_checkbound
  4. | Ifar_intop_imm_checkbound of {
    1. bound : int;
  5. | Ishiftarith of arith_operation * int
  6. | Ishiftcheckbound of {
    1. shift : int;
  7. | Ifar_shiftcheckbound of {
    1. shift : int;
  8. | Imuladd
  9. | Imulsub
  10. | Inegmulf
  11. | Imuladdf
  12. | Inegmuladdf
  13. | Imulsubf
  14. | Inegmulsubf
  15. | Isqrtf
  16. | Ibswap of int
  17. | Imove32
  18. | Isignext of int
and arith_operation =
  1. | Ishiftadd
  2. | Ishiftsub
val big_endian : bool
val size_addr : int
val size_int : int
val size_float : int
val allow_unaligned_access : bool
val division_crashes_on_overflow : bool
val identity_addressing : addressing_mode
val offset_addressing : addressing_mode -> int -> addressing_mode
val num_args_addressing : addressing_mode -> int
val print_addressing : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> addressing_mode -> Format.formatter -> 'a array -> unit
val print_specific_operation : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> specific_operation -> Format.formatter -> 'a array -> unit
val is_logical_immediate : nativeint -> bool
val operation_is_pure : specific_operation -> bool
val operation_can_raise : specific_operation -> bool