Provides a set of low level combinator primitives to decode Js.Json.t data structures A decoder combinator will return the decoded value if successful, or raise a DecodeError of string
if unsuccessful, where the string argument contains the error message. Decoders are designed to be combined to produce more complex decoders that can decode arbitrary data structures, though the emphasis for this library is for it to be possible to decode any given data structure, not necessarily for it to be convenient. For convenience you should look towards opinionated third-party libraries.
val id : Js.Json.t decoder
Identity decoder.
Returns the input JSON value.
Always succeeds. You would use this if you wanted to partially decode some JSON in stages; in the first stage you could decode some portion of the input, while using id
to keep the rest as JSON and decoding that in subsequent stages.
open Json
(* returns [(1 : int, {"a": true} : Js.Json.t)] *)
let json = parseOrRaise {|{"id": 1, {"a": true}}|}
let _ = Decode.(int json, id json)
val bool : bool decoder
Decodes a JSON value into a bool
Returns a bool
if the JSON value is a true
or false
val float : float decoder
Decodes a JSON value into a float
Returns a float
if the JSON value is a number.
val int : int decoder
Decodes a JSON value into an int
Returns an int
if the JSON value is a number.
val string : string decoder
Decodes a JSON value into a string
Returns a string
if the JSON value is a string.
val char : char decoder
Decodes a JSON value into a char
Returns a char
if the JSON value is a single-character string.
val date : Js.Date.t decoder
Decodes an ISO8601-formatted JSON string into a Js.Date.t
Returns a Js.Date.t
if the JSON value is an IS8601-formatted string.
Decodes a JSON value into an 'a Js.null
Returns Js.null
if the JSON value is null
, or an 'a Js.null
if the given decoder succeeds,
val nullAs : 'a -> 'a decoder
Returns the given value if the JSON value is null
Returns an 'a
if the JSON value is null
Decodes a JSON array into an 'a array
using the given decoder on each element
Returns an 'a array
if the JSON value is a JSON array and all its elements are successfully decoded.
Decodes a JSON array into an 'a list
using the given decoder on each element
Returns an 'a list
if the JSON value is a JSON array and all its elements are successfully decoded.
Decodes a JSON array with two elements into an 'a * 'b
tuple using each of the given decoders in order.
Returns an 'a * 'b
if the JSON value is a JSON array of length 2 and both its elements are successfully decoded.
Decodes a JSON array with two elements into an 'a * 'b
tuple using each of the given decoders in order.
Alias of pair
Returns an 'a * 'b
if the JSON value is a JSON array of length 2 and both its elements are successfully decoded.
Decodes a JSON array with three elements into an 'a * 'b * 'c
tuple using each of the given decoders in order.
Returns an 'a * 'b * 'c
if the JSON value is a JSON array of length 3 and all its elements are successfully decoded.
Decodes a JSON array with four elements into an 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd
tuple using each of the given decoders in order.
Returns an 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd
if the JSON value is a JSON array of length 4 and all its elements are successfully decoded.
Decodes a JSON object into a dict using the given decoder on each of its values
Returns an 'a Js.Dict.t
if the JSON value is a JSON object and all its values are successfully decoded.
Decodes a JSON object with a specific field into the value of that field
Returns an 'a
if the JSON value is a JSON object with the given field and a value that is successfully decoded with the given decoder.
Same as field
but takes a top level field and a list of nested fields for decoding nested values.
Returns an 'a
if the JSON value is a JSON object with the given field and a value that is successfully decoded with the given decoder.
Maps a decoder result
to an option
Returns Some of 'a
if the given decoder is successful, None
if it is not.
This decoder will never raise a DecodeError
. Its purpose is to catch and transform DecodeError
's of a given decoder into None
s by mapping its result
into an option
. This prevents a decoder error from terminating a composite decoder, and is useful to decode optional JSON object fields.
open Json
(* returns (Some 23) *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise "23" |> Decode.(optional int)
(* returns None *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise 1.23 |> Decode.(optional int)
(* returns None *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise "null" |> Decode.(optional int)
(* returns (Some 23) *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise {| { "x": 23, "y": "b" } |} |> Decode.(optional (field "x" int))
(* returns None *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise {| { "x": 23, "y": "b" } |} |> Decode.(optional (field "y" int))
(* returns None *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise {| { "x": 23, "y": "b" } |} |> Decode.(optional (field "z" int))
(* returns (Some 23) *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise {| { "x": 23, "y": "b" } |} |> Decode.(field "x" (optional int))
(* returns None *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise {| { "x": 23, "y": "b" } |} |> Decode.(field "y" (optional int))
(* raises DecodeError *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise {| { "x": 23, "y": "b" } |} |> Decode.(field "z" (optional int))
Tries each decoder
in order, retunring the result of the first that succeeds
Returns an 'a
if one of the decoders succeed.
Tries each decoder
in order, retunring the result of the first that succeeds
Returns an 'a
if one of the decoders succeed.
Tries the given decoder
and returns its result if it succeeds, or the given default value if it fails.
Returns an 'a
open Json
(* returns 23 *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise "23" |> Decode.withDefault 0 int
(* returns 0 *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise "\"x\"" |> Decode.withDefault 0 int
(* returns 0 *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise "null" |> Decode.withDefault 0 int
Returns a decoder that maps the result of the given decoder if successful
Returns a 'b
if the given decoder succeeds.
open Json
(* returns 46 *)
let _ = Json.parseOrRaise "23" |> Decode.map (fun x -> x + x) int
Returns a decoder that maps the result of the given decoder if successful
Returns an 'a
if both decoders succeed.
(* Decode a JSON tree structure *)
type 'a tree =
| Node of 'a * 'a tree list
| Leaf of 'a
module Decode = struct
open Json.Decode
let rec tree decoder =
field "type" string |> andThen (
function | "node" -> node decoder
| "leaf" -> leaf decoder
| _ -> failwith "unknown node type"
and node decoder json =
Node (
(json |> field "value" decoder),
(json |> field "children" (array (tree decoder) |> map Array.to_list))
and leaf decoder json =
Leaf (json |> field "value" decoder)
let json = {| {
"type": "node",
"value": 9,
"children": [{
"type": "node",
"value": 5,
"children": [{
"type": "leaf",
"value": 3
}, {
"type": "leaf",
"value": 2
}, {
"type": "leaf",
"value": 4
} |}
let myTree =
json |> Json.parseOrRaise
|> Decode.tree Json.Decode.int