Module Ppx_deriving_json_runtime.Primitives

include module type of struct include Of_json end
val string_of_json : t -> string
val bool_of_json : t -> bool
val is_int : Js.Float.t -> bool
val int_of_json : t -> int
val float_of_json : t -> float
val unit_of_json : t -> unit
val array_of_json : (Js.Json.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a Js.Array.t
val list_of_json : (Js.Json.t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a list
val option_of_json : (t -> 'a) -> t -> 'a option
include module type of struct include To_json end
val string_to_json : string -> t
val bool_to_json : bool -> t
val int_to_json : int -> t
val float_to_json : float -> t
val unit_to_json : unit -> t
val array_to_json : ('a -> Js.Json.t) -> 'a Js.Array.t -> t
val list_to_json : ('a -> Js.Json.t) -> 'a list -> t
val option_to_json : ('a -> t) -> 'a option -> t