Getting started with server-reason-react

This documentation will explain the different modules available in server-reason-react, and how to use them, however it is assumed a minimum understanding of Reason, reason-react, Melange and a bit of dune.

Let's start with a React component written in Reason:

module Greetings = {
  let make = (~name) => {
      <h1> {React.string("Hello " ++ name)} </h1>

A module with a make function that returns a React.element. This component is both a reason-react component and a server-reason-react component.

server-reason-react provides React and ReactDOM modules with the same interface as reason-react, including the JSX transformation via server-reason-react.ppx.

The main difference is, with server-reason-react you can render it on the server with ReactDOM (server-reason-react.reactDom):

let html = ReactDOM.renderToStaticMarkup(<Greetings name="visitor" />)
// <div><h1>Hello visitor</h1></div>

This is usually part of your server-side code

The ReactDOM module exposes the renderTo* methods: ReactDOM.renderToStaticMarkup, ReactDOM.renderToString and ReactDOM.renderToLwtStream.

Install from opam's registry (recommended)

opam install server-reason-react

Install from source

If you want to use the development version of server-reason-react, you can install it via opam pinning:

opam pin "" -y


Add server-reason-react.react and server-reason-react.reactDom to your dune file:

(libraries (server-reason-react.react server-reason-react.reactDom) 

and also server-reason-react.ppx to your preprocess list

(preprocess (pps server-reason-react.ppx)) 


How universal code works