
This is the documentation and API for server-reason-react, an implementation of react, react-dom and react-dom/server to run on the server with Reason/OCaml, with the purpose to Server-side render HTML markup from a reason-react application natively (for both SSR and SSG).


Explained more about the motivation in this blog post and also in my talk about Server side rendering React natively with Reason at ReactAlicante 2023.


  1. Get started
  2. How universal code works
  3. How to structure the code
  4. Exclude client code from the native build
  5. Externals and melange attributes

Core API

Those are the core libraries of server-reason-react.

Other libraries

Aside from the core, server-reason-react exposes some needed known libraries from melange or melange-community to help make components universal:

This would eventually be extracted into their own packages


Get started